Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tony-sensei's podcast and Anki deck

Here is a link to a useful resource page in, including his podcast and Anki-decks of Genki lessons.

You should check it out again and start using Anki software if you haven't.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Japanese TV drama

Somebody asked about good Japanese TV dramas besides 東京ラブストーリー. Here is my suggestions. Try to see if you can find these.

These are all my favorites:
101回目のプロポーズ (ひゃくいっかいめのプロポーズ. Love story. CHAGE and ASKA's SAY YES was used for this)
振り返れば奴がいる (ふりかえればやつがいる. Doctors' story. Very deep and serious. Another drama with a CHAGE and ASKA song),
古畑任三郎 (ふるはたにんざぶろう. Cool and funny detective story of murder cases. I would call this "Japanese Colombo," if you know it) or anything written by Mitani Kouki (the best drama writer from Japan) is good,
踊る大捜査線 (おどるだいそうさせん. Police story. very funny, cool, and even realistic),
ひとつ屋根の下 (ひとつやねのした. Very sweet family drama),
トリック (Murder case mystery with a weird physician guy and a cynical magician girl. Very funny and smart story)

Too many? Well. There are more. I've never seen the ones below but they are more recent and I heard they are very good, too.

See you.

Quiz on Tuesday

We are going to have a quiz on Tuesday.
I am going to ask you to write all the days of the week in kanji and write hiragana for how to read them. That's it. (I changed my mind and decided not to ask about month, if you are in afternoon class).

Have a good weekend.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Syllabus revised

Our course syllabus has been revised. Change has been made for the grade distribution. We decided not to have the midterm. Now final exam worths 25 percent (previously 20 percent) and lesson tests worth 25 percent (previously 15 percent). The percentage of quiz was not changed (20 percent).

tomorrow review day

あしたは I do not have many things to do. We are going to go over the lesson 3 dialogue and practice it. I'll maybe show some manga. But more importantly, It's your time to bring questions from the lesson.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Quiz on Tuesday

Since I did not mention this earlier, I postpone the next quiz to Tuesday.

In quiz on Tuesday, I am going to ask you to write price and time expressions using the Kanji in Lesson 3. Also, I ask you to translate simple sentences with "masu (and masen)" form and frequency adverbs into English.